Français - Heroin: Death in the Blood
Heroin: Death in the Blood

Why do drugs attract young people?
Heroin: What is it?
The origins of heroin
A vicious circle
A threat to young people
Dont treat drugs lightly
A nightmare called heroin
A model heroin user?
Heroin chic
A very slippery slope
The new face of heroin
Overcoming the attraction of drugs
Real solutions to drugs

Association say NO to DRUGS

Heroin: Death in the Blood

Drugs destroy millions of lives every year — too often the lives of children upon whom our future depends. In a world where more money is spent on drugs than on food, it can be difficult to convince others to just say no. Society owes a debt of gratitude to anyone working to salvage others from the harmful effects of drug abuse. Standing by and doing nothing about the drug problem only helps those who profit from its spreading. But working together, we can succeed in educating others to the real dangers of drugs. And it is in that spirit this website has been produced.

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